• You have the choice to accept the clients booking from BookEntertainment. Running our booking system this way should avoid double bookings.
  • If you have accepted the booking from BookEntertainment and have later found out that you have taken another booking directly or through another party, you must honour the booking made via BookEntertainment and cancel the incumbent booking.
  • If the double booking falls on uncontrollable circumstances, It is your responsibility to contact both the customer and BookEntertainment. The quickest and easiest way to inform BookEntertainment of any booking problems or double bookings, is to use our helpdesk. To do this, use the FLAG button on the booking to flag it up to our team. This should be your first and foremost way to contact us about these issues, rather than by phone, so that the BookEntertainment team are notified and can assist you in resolving the matter if required.

To resolve the matter for the client, you can take the following actions:

  • Offer alternate dates or an alternative act if the customer is happy to do so and will not incur any costs. Remember to deduct the customer's 15% deposit paid to BookEntertainment from any new booking made for the customer.
  • Refund the customer: If you cannot honour a booking you must refund the customer's full 20% deposit paid to BookEntertainment. We enforce this rule vigorously.