Our user reviews are intended to provide another perspective on our listed entertainers. Negative feedback is inevitable in any worthwhile reviews system and we hope that Acts will treat constructive criticism as just that. Although we don't remove reviews simply because they are negative, we recognise that not all reviews are genuine or accurate.

To respond to a review you can:

1. Add a comment (recommended). In the 'Reviews' tab of your Act Extranet you can click on the reply button to any review and this will be published beneath the live review. Please note that users do not automatically receive a copy of your comment.

2. Use our dispute process. You can ask us to remove a review that is from a fictitious client, contains serious personal insults, or contains substantial false information by clicking 'flag' next to the review in your Act Extranet. Reasons must be provided in the dispute form. A disputed review will be removed from BookEntertainment pending our investigation of your complaint. Please note that we will only remove reviews in exceptional circumstances. Customers' trust in BookEntertainment is based on the fact that we publish their reviews, albeit some of them may appear to be unfair feedback. In the majority of cases we will please ask that you use the comment section to set the record straight and this will appear directly below the review on your listing page.

To add a comment or dispute a review, log in to your Act Extranet, click the 'Reviews' tab and find the review you would like to address.

Please note that BookEntertainment operates as an open forum and takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any content posted, stored or uploaded by any third party, or for any loss or damage thereto, nor is BookEntertainment liable for any mistakes, defamation, omissions, falsehoods, obscenity, pornography or profanity you may encounter.

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