The performance of your listing is mainly determined by
  1. Your ranking within search results
  2. The information provided on your profile
You will only appear in search results for searches matching your availability, category, location and event type, so ensuring that all relevant accommodation types and features are ticked is crucially important. By improving your ranking on you will improve your overall performance and likelihood of receiving bookings through us. The following factors will influence your ranking in search results:

  • The sales performance of your listing. Generally, acts with a consistent sales level throughout the year will perform better.
  • The average customer rating for your Act on and the number of reviews your listing has attracted.
  • The number of bookings you accept from
  • We will also display the prices for each act - so it's worth checking out your nearest competitors' rates to ensure your potential customers aren't put off by expensive prices.
Once users reach your profile page, you can maximise the likelihood of users booking (rather than carrying on to another profile page) by ensuring that complete and accurate information is displayed, including:
  • Good-quality photos. Research shows that profiles with 8-10 photos attract up to 150% more viewers.
  • Appealing descriptive information about your act in the Introduction, What to expect, FAQ and custom information sections
  • YouTube or Vimeo video and (if applicable) Soundcloud audio player