Highly recommended!

BookEntertainment will allow you to ask past customers to write a review. This will help you get a head start with your star rating so that you can get bookings from confident customers.

Please note that reviews from past customer will appear as "Past Customer" on your profile. Reviews from BookEntertainment clients will display the customer's name and profile picture on each review.

Ask a Customer for a review:

  • Sign in to your Act Extranet and click on the reviews tab

  • Select "Ask for a review"

  • You can now add emails from past customers (making sure that the past customers give you permission to contact them).
  • The subject field will appear in your customers inbox. Make sure not to use spammy words or the email will land in their spam box.
  • Select the Act you want to send review requests out for
  • Include a personal message to the past customer.
  • To get the best results, send a personalised message to each customer

  • Reviews will appear under your reviews tab